Wallingford Seattle House Painting 2011
By John Shearer
Why does a walk in the woods make us feel calm?
Analogous colors are most often found in the great outdoors! Analogous colors are commonly described as hues close to one another on the color wheel. Color schemes created by this method gives a sense of calm and harmony. A great way to easily understand this type of scheme is to look at a color wheel.
Analogous paint color schemes are usually three colors. An example is green, blue green, and blue. This scheme can be altered by adding white, black, grey, or another adjacent color. Picking a dominant hue is very important when choosing a scheme. The second color will support the dominant color and the third is the accent color. This will make the scheme feel balanced and interesting.
When choosing an exterior paint color scheme, consider the foliage around your home. Do they change colors as the seasons change? Are there any highlights in your garden, such as a vibrant flower bed? How would you like to feel upon driving up to your home? Would your like your home to blend into the surround foliage or stand out? These are some great questions to ask when you are considering a color scheme.